I received this award from staciegh – “Inspired by The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, this is an award for female bloggers to encourage the spirit or sisterhood.” (yoinked from Dancing in the Rain because I couldn’t have put that any better myself)

This is so exciting and I think this award is a beautiful thing.  In this day and age, sisterhood, often becomes forgotten.  That’s why I am so very touched to have been nominated for this award.  Thank you so much, Dancing in the Rain for nominating me..  You have once again, touched my heart in a way that brings tears of joy to my eyes.

Here are the rules:

  • Thank the giver.
  • Post 7 things about yourself.
  • Pass on the award to 7 other bloggers and inform them that they have been nominated.
  • Include the logo of the award on a post or in your blog!

7 Things You’ll Love About Me (see what I did there? haha)

  1. I am madly in love with anime, manga and sci-fi.  And I’m also a recently outted trekkie.
  2. I have a very random taste in music and usually have a playlist for every mood.
  3. I love videogame.  Always have and always will.  My favorite kind of game I would have to say is a tie between roleplay and first person shooters.  But I’m also a puzzle nut (Tetris anyone?)
  4. I used to use skin bleaching cream on my skin because I thought I’d look prettier with pale skin. It was a phase but one I’m glad didn’t last long.
  5. I love to learn and have always wanted to speak 4 extra languages fluently.  I believe that losing the ability to learn as we age is a lie.  I believe it’s simply that people get tired and lazy as they get older.  Sometimes even full of themselves; “I’ve lived ump-teen decades and have learned enough to know better.”  But I refuse to believe that’s how it has to be.
  6. I am madly in love with designer clothes.  I would rather have only two outfits in my wardrobe that fit well and looked amazing than an entire closet full of ill-fitting clothes I bought at wal-mart.  Now, that may seem bouji but I’m not.  I just like to be able to move well in my clothes.  And for that, they need to fit right.  That, and it fits well with my philosophy of simplicity.
  7. I’m way into fitness and being healthy but have a hard time overcoming depression in order to keep up with it.  But focusing on my love of helping others has slowly been changing that.

7 bloggers I think should definitely get this award:

All Things Fine Things
Lady Barefoot Baroness
Fueled By Vegetables
Jane Says
J&J Collections

If you’re not already following these blogs, then you are seriously missing out.  The posts and musings of these talented people have helped me pull myself out of depression by inspiring and motivating me.  They remind me of how life really is what you make it, so why not make it fabulous?

Thanks once again, for this award.  I am truly honored.